Everything I say is Fascinating!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Today was a good day. Ella stayed with Jon's parents over-night last night, which meant I slept in. Ok, so I only slept until like 10:15...it's hard "sleeping in late" when you're so use to getting up early. Besides, it was bright out! Maybe if I had some super, crazy, thick blinds I would've slept later.
I really needed the sleep. I had been really SICK with morning sickness, but it was lasting ALL DAY LONG. I just really needed some relaxing time to get myself rested and well again, along with prayer.
Tonight was the last night of the Revival Center's Tent Meetings. It was good, but I was out around keeping Ella happy more than I was in the actual tent listening to the message. However, it was fine because I just really needed to get out, get some fresh air and run around a little.
My little tid-bit of insight for everyone: The meaning of life, wow, everyone's top question. The answer? To live your life for God. Spreading the gospel and loving people. Show yourself friendly, not only that, but be a friend. Reek of God's love and his care for his people. Cheesy you say? Well it's the truth and I don't care if it sounds cheesy. Make that you're goal today, to learn more about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Be a friend to someone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

This is ME

lacey commercial pic
Originally uploaded by Lacey Mac.
This picture was taken on June 7th of this year. I was in a Mazda commercial and this is a snapshot taken during it.
Let me catch you up to speed with me. For those of you who don't know me, or who haven't talked to me in quite a while, I'm happily married, have a 16 month old daughter and am almost 2 months along with McMahon number 2. All this and I'm not even 21 yet! lol I guess you could say I'm a little ahead of the game. I finally got out of my job at the Cadillac Family Pharmacy. Sure, it sounds harmless enough, but if you look closely you'll notice that all the old crabby ladies that work there actually have horns. I'm talkin' E-V-I-L. lol
Obviously there were a couple good ones in the bunch, myself being one of them and then my (ex) boss Mike and my girl Toni. Another chapter closed and a new one opened. Now I'm working in the office at First Baptist Church, I love it. Even though I'm not a Baptist. lol
Life has been great! I honestly can't complain. Jonathan and I are totally happy. Ella, my daughter, is a complete blast, life is good.
My sisters have both been busy making connections and getting their lives established. Olivia just moved to California a couple of weeks ago. She is going to work out there for a year and then "hopefully" attend the design school of her choice there. Amber is busy working for a marketing company here. She enjoys it for the most part and has learned a lot, but is now ready to move on to the next part of her life.
Well, I think that's enough of that. Now that the introductary part is over, I can begin writing more fun and interesting things. Silly things most likely. LOVES!!!