Everything I say is Fascinating!!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

***Breath of Fresh Air***

Every once in a while I have one of those days that just starts out cruddy for no real reason. You just wake up feeling irritable and it just carries on throughout the entire day...I hate those days. Fortunately for me, I have Ella. She can make any day better. No matter what the circumstance, one smile and "I love you" from her is enough to melt even the hardest heart.

Wednesday was one of those days. I just wasn't feeling myself and at first Ella was a little cranky, but then in an act of sheer desperation to get her off my case I sat down on the floor to play with her. You would've thought that I just handed her the world on a plate made out of gold and diamonds. It was amazing how just that small little act changed both her and my attitudes. We were laughing, crashing cars into one another, tickling and placing random objects into her "pumpkin jill" bucket.

While we were sitting there enjoying our time together, Jonathan's mom "the nana" called and wanted to spend the afternoon with Ella. I was glad that Ella and I had gotten over our little "crank-fest" and a little time to myself sounded perfect so I told Nana that Ella could go.

Since my sisters are both gone and I'm not working anymore, I have a lot of free time on my hands. My house (which used to be "picked up" never spotless) is now clean all the time and I've even picked up some hobbies. Once Ella left I got out my pictures and Her babybook and went to town.

Four hours or so later Ella and Nana pulled in the driveway and I was thrilled to have her home, even though she went straight in to have a nap. I just think, what if I hadn't given her some of the one on one time she obviously needed, the one on one time I needed? Would she have been cranky all day? I really believe I would've been. This just made me think of all the times I've been in the presence of someone during their "cranky day". If I would've just sat down and talked with them for a bit, or just paid some attention, could I have helped change their day? I just realized how self absorbed I can be sometimes, we all can be. So the next time you run into someone and they bite off your head due to a "cranky day" do something about it, don't take it to heart and have it ruin your day or make you bitter towards them, just feel them out and give them a minute. In the long run, it will make you both happier and your day lighter.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

***In To Something Good***

I've never been more encouraged than I have been as of lately when it comes to life, prosperity and in knowing that the Lord has something huge that He has planned for my life and the lives of all the people in my family.

Brother Hagin prophecied that the year 2006 would be a year of prosperity and "a year of heaven on earth". I've claimed that for myself and my family. I believe that this is going to be a huge year for many of us.

Today I read my sister Amber's blog and it just furthered my excitement. I know that the Lord is standing true to what He spoke to Brother Hagin. I've already begun to see it in my own life, but have been hearing about it from other people (i.e. Amber) who don't even know about the prophecy. This is so encouraging to me and I HAD to share it with the rest of you.

I know that satan has been trying to get me down and I know that it's because he knows something great is going to happen in my life. This pregnancy has been AWESOME. I've had absolutely no problems with it. As soon as I started telling people how great it has been, satan started attacking me. The first attack came on Christmas Eve in the form of a letter from my OB/GYN clinic stating that my glucose levels tested "abnormally high" during the glucose tolerance test (147) and that I was going to have to go to the Hospital for a 3 hour long test to determine if I had gestational diabetes. I was crushed, but after praying and relying on the Lord and not claiming sickness, my test results came back perfect. That was just the first of many different attacks so I know that something amazing is coming and I just can't wait! I've been waiting on the Lord for so long and He is faithful to complete what He's started in my life.

I hope that this has been encouraging to you and I hope that you begin to claim only the best for your life and to believe that it will happen. PRAISE GOD for financial freedom, health, amazing jobs, new relationships, new frienships and a fire that burns so hot for Him. I can't help but be extremely excited, not only for myself, but for all of you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

***A Night Out***

When you have kids you discover that "a night out" can mean anything. It can actually mean leaving the kids with a babysitter while you and your spouse go enjoy some time together, or it could mean something as silly as actually getting out of the house WITH your kids and going to the local store. The funny thing is that normally I'm equally as happy to do either of those things! lol
Last night Jonathan, Jon's friend Earl, Ella and Myself went over to my parents house in Lake City for Lasagna and fun. Once Ella warmed up to Earl she began serenading him with songs such as "the ABC's" "BaaBaa Black Sheep" "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and even counting to 10 in Spanish. Mom and I laughed pretty hard at her and Earl just stood there smiling in amazement. Too cute.
Ella (as mentioned in my last post) has an uncanny ability to remember things. The last time we were at my parents house Ella had slept in my mom's room. When my mom went to climb into bed she said "There are crumbs in my bed" and began wiping them off. Ella thought it was the funniest thing ever and hasn't forgotten it since. All last night she would walk around saying "Crumbs in my bed, crumbs in my bed" to which we all would laugh.
We knew it was time to go when my dad was going to take Ella down to see the "pretty stars" in Olivia's room and she told my mom, "Good night, Love you, see you in the morning" as she walked past on her way downstairs. What a sweet lady.
So, I can honestly say that it was a very fun night out. Not too eventful, but just really nice.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


With both of my sisters currently out of the State of Michigan and a temporary leave from my job at the church due to budget cut-backs, I've spent my days at home doing the "stay at home mom" thing. This consists of cleaning, cooking, playing with Ella and beginning to prepare our home for the soon arrival of baby girl McMahon #2.
I've actually really enjoyed being home. I feel like I get so much more accomplished in a week than I had while I was working. I really love the fact that I am here to experience Ella growing up. Every day brings something new with her, whether it's a new phrase in her vocabulary, saying her numbers in spanish out of the blue, singing a new song, noticing that her hair is almost long enough to fit it all back in a pony-tail or just simply getting a new adorning look from her. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever work again!! lol I absolutely love being a stay at home mom. I can honestly say that it is everything that I thought it would be and so so so much more. I now have a new appreciation for stay at home mother's everywhere!
The other day Ella was really trying to push the envelope with something and I had been getting after her for it with no prevail. Finally, I got down to her eye-level and simply said, "Ella, Seriously, you need to stop." This worked much to my amazement. A couple of days later she was getting in to something and I said her name in that "mommy tone" and gave her that look of disapproval to which she replied, "Seriously Ella, stop". How could I not laugh at that?! lol She's too stinkin' cute!
Although some days are hard and seem like I'm just getting nowhere, they are very few and extremely far between. The good overwhelming outweighs the bad. It really is "rewarding".
I know that tomorrow will bring yet another "new" story about and I'll do my best to get on and share it with the whole lot of you! lol well at least my sister's and husband who I know check this regularly. 'Til tomorrow...

Friday, January 06, 2006

****Here and Gone****

Ok ok, so I know I said that the next time I wrote Olivia would be here with me. So I'm a little slow on the draw. Yesterday My mom, Amber and myself put Olivia back on the plane to Cali. It was sad, but good. I guess you could even say bitter sweet. I knew that Olivia was excited to get back and see her friends and I also knew that even though she was going to leave and I wouldn't see her for another few months, that they would go by quickly.
The four of us "Miller girls" drove down to Grand Rapids on Wednesday night, ate at Logan's Steakhouse, did a little odds and ends shopping at a local Meijer and then headed back to our hotel room to relax and have a little fun our last night with one another.
We took silly pictures causing us to laugh until our guts hurt, ate junk food, and just were silly. Once it was time to sleep we all joked about our mom's snoring habits again causing us to laugh until it hurt, then we said our "I love you's" and hit the hay.
Our night however was short. In all we got around 4 1/2 hours of sleep MAYBE. Olivia's flight was scheduled to leave at 6:30 AM...this meant that we needed to be there at least by 5:30. We all got ourselves together and headed to the airport which was only a few miles away from our hotel, waited in the hideously long line, checked the luggage in and then headed for the terminal. It was a sad walk, yet none of us were crying, which really surprised me.
We gave kisses, said our good-byes and off she went down the hall. There was a line so I quickly moved over to the other side of the hall and yelled "BYE LIVY"...she wasn't expecting it so I got a huge smile and a loud "LOVE YOU" in return then she vanished.
Am and I were pretty hungry so we got a muffin and a coffee from the starbuck's there in the airport and headed back to our room where we put our jammies back on and caught some more zzz's. Olivia did a good job keeping us posted on where she was and what not. That was reassuring.
We then shopped a bunch and headed back to Cadillac and back to our normal routines. In a week, I'll be kissing Amber good-bye as she heads out to go on Tour with "Zoe Girl". Hopefully it will go as well as it did when Livy went.
I'll do my best to update more frequently!! =) Lots of Love! -Lacey