Everything I say is Fascinating!!!

Monday, July 31, 2006

***Fam. Time***

This last Friday Jonathan, the Girls and I went to T.C. and spent the day together. It was a lot of fun. We went to the mall, got some great deals, then headed to the Outback. On the way home we stopped along side the road to watch the fireworks being let off at the ball park. Ella loved it.

This picture is of Ella playing in the tree at the mall....yes, it's a germ fest, but she loves it!

Then these two pictures were taken at the Outback...both the girls are making funny faces..lol

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

***More Pictures From Today***

****Make Sure To Read the Post Under These Pictures....****
These are some MORE pictures that I took today:

Reina is just such a happy baby. I always prayed that she would have the joy of the Lord.
I kid you not, this is the most kissable baby in the whole world. Both my girls are!!!
Again, can we say HAPPY?? It was pretty late when I took this picture but she doesn't care.Ok, now this picture was taken about a month ago of Ella, but it is just the sweetest little picture. She loves going over to her Nana and Papa's house and playing outside in the yard, looking at the flowers, watching the butterflies and of course, making Nana chase her around the yard!
AND THIS, This picture was taken on the 4th of July. We were heading home from the Lake City Fireworks. Jon had gotten FRIED the day before and me....well, lets just say I have yet to spend enough time in the sun to actually have it stick...lol I could've been part of the firework show, or at least sold right along with the other glowsticks...lol

***Yet another day***

Today was a pretty uneventful day. Well it was but wasn't all at the same time.
Reina had to get her 4 month shots today. The Dr.'s office called yesterday to remind and confirm so I knew that I had it at 10:30 this morning. What did I do? I slept until 10:00 before it even dawned on me. Luckily Jon's dad called and said he could swing over and pick up Ella. That definitely took off some of the stress. I made it to her appointment on time but I was pretty much a frantic mess. What a way to start your day! lol It was all good though.

After the appointment I went over to Jon's parents to pick up Ella and ended up staying there for quite a few hours. It's always so nice just relaxing with his mom and having enjoyable conversation. I'm so blessed when it comes to wonderful in-laws! Although, by the end of the afternoon I was feeling pretty ill. I headed home where I waited for my mom to come watch the girls so I could get a little nap. I ended up waking up around 9:00...I slept for almost 3 hours! How lovely. So now, here I sit at 1:03 am and I'm just now feeling tired again.

I did get some really cute pictures of Reina though. The ones with me in them aren't so hot, lol but she looks so cute I couldn't NOT post them!! All in all, looking back at my day, I don't have much to show for it, but it sure seemed pretty hectic! Hopefully tomorrow will feel more accomplished! lol

As I mentioned before I hadn't felt well...I feel as though I need to mention it again now that I've looked at the pictures I've posted today...lol I obviously don't look the best in them...but how sweet is Reina in them all?! I had to put them on here so you can all see what a sweet thing she is!! lol alright, enough of that! I really must be going now. I PROMISE I will start to blog on things other than the girls...lol It's just so hard not to! Love you all and God Bless

Sunday, July 09, 2006


This year Reina experienced her very first fourth of July. How exciting!!
It came complete with a cook-out at my parents house, a little relax time and then sitting on the beach watching the fireworks. Well honestly, she pretty much slept through the whole thing.
There she is smiling with her Auntie Amber, wearing the same dress Ella wore for her first 4th.

We were pretty amazed at Ella and how well she handled the fireworks. Although she thought that most of them looked like "bushes". The noise didn't bother her, she actually found it rather amusing to try and mimic the sounds they made with very enthusiastic BOOMS and BANGS with the occational "They're crackin' up". lol She made the whole thing worth while. It was 11:00 pm by the time we were loaded up and headed home. Ella fell asleep in 2 minutes grasping her 4th of July glow-in-the-dark necklaces. So sweet!

My sister Amber and I had our first "day at the beach" experience with Reina and Ella...not to be done again! lol When we first got there Ella didn't want to get dirty by playing in the sand and she didn't want to get close to the water. By the time our day at the beach was coming to an end she was filthy with sand but would only stick her feet in the water. Oh well, it wasn't a total loss. Amber and I did have a good time together and actually made ourselves go out in public with our bathing suits on! lol Which reminds me...definitely need a new one...you know what I mean Amber...lol

So, what did we learn today? Fireworks - good, beach - bad...

Oh yes, Jon and I really enjoyed the day as well. Once we had ate and the girls were happy, Jonathan and I headed downtown in search of a sweatshirt for Ella because I thought, THOUGHT, I didn't have one for her to wear to the fireworks. It was so nice being able to spend some time with just one another. My time is usually pretty consumed with Reina seeing as how she's still nursing, so it was so nice to just spend time together. It was just an all around great day!