Everything I say is Fascinating!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

**********IT'S A GIRL**********

After 4 1/2 months of wondering, we finally found out that we are going to have another girl!!! YAY!!! I love boys, don't get me wrong, I just really wanted to have another girl so that She and Ella could have the same experience that I had growing up with my 2 sisters!! I love them sooooooo much and I really wanted Ella to have it to!! YAY!!! I do have to say, however, that the girl that did our ultrasound was a little on the strange side. First off, Jonathan was just looking around the woman so He could see the screen, and our next baby. She asked him to move around to the other side of the room because she didn't like having people look over her shoulder. Well I can understand that if you're reading a book or typing something important on your computer and some random person is invading your space, BUT THIS IS OUR FIRST GLIMPS OF OUR CHILD! goodnight lady, get a clue! Or at least turn the screen so we can see! Then, when Jonathan and I expressed our excitement in knowing that it was a girl and she quickly bit back with "Yeah, until they start P.M.S.ing". We thought that it was a tad strange but blew it off. Then she goes off on a rampage about some real life E.R. show she watched and some guy with a tritant through his head...I'm sorry, but what in the heck does that apply to at all here?! Oh well! When all was said and done we took our pictures and started calling friends and family immediately to tell them all the great news!!! Ella hasn't a clue what we're talking about! lol But when my sister was born I'm sure I didn't have a clue either....at least, not that I can remember! YAY!!! A house full of girls!!! Jon's loving it!!

Friday, October 14, 2005

***Updates on my "oh so wonderful" Life***

Well, I am now another year older which brings me to the "big" 21. Half the time I feel a great deal older than that, but the other half I feel like I'm still in High School trying to stay awake in Mr. Smith's Economics class. It's so funny how birthday's become less important as you get older. I don't say this because I'm like, "oh it sucks I'm getting old", no that's not it at all. It's more like, "yep, it's my birthday, woohoo...Ella do you want to watch ELMO?" lol. The day pretty much consisted of me going to renew my license, which also included finally changing my name and address on it seeing as how I've now been married for 2 years but you wouldn't know it if you looked at my license. My license would tell you that I was living in a house that had burnt to the ground and that I was in fact still "Lacey Miller". So it was a good thing that I had to actually make myself go and change it. Later on Jonathan and I went and got dinner at the Timber's, which was "oh so delicious"! We had a lot of fun...I was rather loopy because I had this sinus thing going on so I was hopped up on drugs. Funny. Then we went and rented "Kicking and Screaming" which I really did enjoy. We then headed home to find that my sweet mother, who was watching Ella while we were out, had made me a yummy birthday cake. So all in all, it turned out to be a really good day...a really good birthday.
Tonight we're heading over to my parents house where I will get to celebrate my birthday yet again! Yay! This is a tradition. My mom makes whatever I want for dinner and then we have a cake or whatever I choose. Open gifts and just have fun while my mom takes silly pictures. This is the first year that I will celebrate this day without little Livy. I MISS YOU OLIVIA!!! But my thoughts are with you.
So as you can see...my life hasn't been all together too exciting. Hopefully it will start to perk up here shortly! Oh, and before I forget! Monday we find out if McMahon Baby #2 is a boy or a girl!!! YAY, so I'll be sure to put up pictures and let you all know! Talk to you later! -Lacey