Everything I say is Fascinating!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


OK, so Christmas is THIS SUNDAY!!! I can't believe it. However, I still have not finished my shopping for "the Jon" which is a huge thing because tomorrow is my one and only day left to shop for him. I no longer have time to order anything via online because most likely, it won't make it here on time. This means that tomorrow I am heading to T.C. where hopefully I'll be able to find everything and anything I could possibly need to get him. Trust me, I have a little list but that just means it will most likely be even harder to find what I need. My guess is that for some reason everyone else is going to want the same thing that "the Jon" is asking for so I'll have a hard time finding it...but maybe not, maybe the Lord will provide everything I need in one big sweep....that would be FANTASTIC-O!!! I hope that many of you are NOT in this position seeing as how it could truly throw one into a coma like state, drooling like a mad person, lifeless on the mall bench. Lets hope I have better luck than that.

I don't believe that I have much else to say than that, so I ask you, all of you...find compassion for me and PRAY HARD TOMORROW! lol I will need it!

Monday, December 19, 2005

***Shopping Day Countdown***

I CAN NOT believe that Christmas is a mere 6 days away!!! I still need to finish my shopping for "the Jon". I did a great job getting everyone else done, but I tell ya what, trying to track down all the different things he wants is not an easy task. So now, I must go into "super tracking" mode in order to have it all done before we celebrate Christmas.

One thing I am glad about is the fact that I've got 3 whole days of Christmas ahead of me. This Friday we will spend the whole day with Jonathan's family. We will head over there, open gifts, then have a HUGE CHRISTMAS FEAST. His mom is one of the best cooks, next to my own mom of course!! Then on Christmas Eve Morning, Jonathan, Ella and I will have our own Christmas and have a nice little lunch, then at 6 o'clock we will head over to my grandparents where we will have "the pollington christmas". This consists of everyone in my family, including extended family, getting together for a great dinner and then the chinese gift exchange. Then lastly Christmas morning we'll get up and head to church, then after we will go over to my parents house and spend all of Christmas day over there. I'M SO EXCITED....HOWEVER, it will be nice to have this all done and over with. No more stressing over what to get, how much is too much or too little to spend on someone. Just relaxing...it will be nice.

Praise God that He has blessed me with such great families to share my holidays with. I hope that all of you out there have a very blessed Christmas and a SAFE New Years Eve/Day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I CAN'T WAIT!!!! Olivia's flight will arrive in GR around 3:15 tomorrow so my Mom, Dad, Amber, Ella, Myself and Amy are all going to be there to welcome her home. She's going to freak out when she sees how big Ella has gotten and for that matter, she'll freak out when she sees how big I've gotten! lol Although, for being 6 months pregnant, I'm not that big yet. Oh I just can't wait!! I miss her so much. It will be so much fun having her here for like a month!! Then the next time she comes home will be because there's a new baby!!! CRAZY!!

Honestly, this time around being prego has went by so much faster than it did with Ella. I'm sure that part of it is because I've got Ella to chase around and keep me busy. It also helps keep my mind off of "being pregnant" and more so just on "being mommy". Another reason why is that I haven't been near as sick with this one as I was with Ellerz. I don't mean just the normal morning sickness stuff, but more like being hospitalized for a kidney infection, sick. So I think that all made a huge difference.

The next time I write, LIVY WILL BE HERE!!!! I'll make sure she stops in to say 'Hello' to you all! I'll be keeping you updated!

Friday, December 09, 2005

****Fun in the Sun****

Yesterday little miss Ella and I played outside in the snow together for the first time. WHAT A BLAST!!! Ella looked so cute all bundled up in her snow gear. Like a little purple and pink marshmallow. I'll have to post some pictures of it later. Anywho, the snow was so deep and Ella's little legs had a little bit of a hard time trying to trudge through it so every once in a while I'd hear her little voice call out, "Trip in snow, trip in snow" so I'd turn around to find that she had indeed fallen over and usually was lying on her belly with snow up to her chin and a huge smile beeming on her face.
We've got a huge tree out in the front yard that we really enjoyed playing in. On the side facing the house there was an opening so you could walk under it, but then all around it the branches were heavy with snow so they bowed down and touched the ground making for a great little "fort" to play in. I lifted Ella up and set her on one of the lower branches, she liked it so she gave me some kisses and huge smiles.
I started a snowman, but I wasn't exactly wearing the "appropriate" kind of gloves to pack snow, so I had to stop short. As of right night we just have a ball of snow hanging out in the yard, but the rest is yet to come.
Ella and I will definitely be spending more time outside together. It was so much fun being out there and running around with her, chasing one another, falling over in the snow and just being silly. Once we got back inside it was nice too. We both got something warm to drink, watched a little Nemo and then took a nap. So refreshing! Being outside was the little something that she and I both needed to brighten our day, I highly recommend that you get yourself out there for a little bit just to enjoy the sun and fresh air.