Everything I say is Fascinating!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

***I've been Tagged***

Well, I've been "tagged" by my sister Amber. The just of "tagging" is that you get "tagged" by someone and then you are supposed to copy and paste information (questions) from their site, onto yours. You then have to tag four unsuspecting fellow bloggers, who then are to do the same. Then lastly, you have to mention who tagged you and include a link to their site. (I think that covers it). And we're off...

Four Jobs I’ve Had:
1. Day Care worker
2. stuffing envelopes for a family friend (got a basketball hoop and court out of it)3.Pharmaceutical Clerk/Technician
4. Church Office Manager's assistant

Four Movies I Can Watch Repeatedly:
1. Clueless (shout-out to Amy)
2. The Fighting Temptations
3. I have to admit that lately my life hasn't been filled much with "normal" movies...The list basically consists of various Baby Einstein movies with an occasional Nemo, Shark Tails or Madagascar thrown in. =) So honestly, I'm really not one to want to watch any other movie repeatedly.

Four Places I’ve Lived:
1. Various places in Lake City, MI
2. Cadillac, MI

Four TV Shows I Love:
1. Law & Order SVU
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. American Idol
4. Scrubs

Four Places I’ve Vacationed:
1. Orange Beach/Gulf Shores, Alabama
2. Oak Island, North Carolina
3. Norman, Oklahoma
4. Disney World

Four of My Favorite Dishes:
1. Lasagna with garlic bread
2. Boneless BBQ ribs with cubed potatoes
3. A roast with all the fixin's =)
4. Anything Mexican

Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1. Yahoo.com
2. iwin.com
3. ebay.com
4. friends blogs

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. Somewhere warm (ie) Cali., Hawaii, Florida
2. I'd want to be here, but just a few months down the road. That way I'd be getting back to my normal size and I'd be past being pregnant. :)
3. On the road with Amber :)
4. On vacation

Four Bloggers I am Tagging:
1. Beth
2. Olivia
3. Val
4. Jon

Saturday, February 04, 2006

***Big Lady***

Tonight marks the second night that Ella has slept in her "big girl/toddler" bed. I can not believe it!! It has actually been a really smooth transition.
Two days ago Jonathan's grandma took the three of us shopping because she wanted to buy Ella a few things. She was the most excited to buy Ella "pull-ups" because she said that ever since she heard of such a thing she's been excited to buy them. Not only did she buy the pull-ups, but she bought a potty chair that comes fully equipped with songs, lights and other sounds and Ella's toddler bed.
The first night was a little rough. Ella was so excited about her new bed, she just wasn't as excited to actually sleep in it. After a couple hours of trying to make her happy, Jonathan went in with her and he sat in the rocking chair next to Ella in her bed saying repeatedly, "It's ok Ella, daddy's here" until she finally fell asleep and he could sneak out. HOW SWEET IS THAT?! I was so impressed. What a great daddy!
Nap time has been a little trying. Since it's light out and what not, she has a little harder time knocking out. Well I can't say that both days have been rough. Her first nap was perfect but her second one never had a chance. She kept getting out of bed and banging on the door as she said "Open the door" over and over. That was earlier today and she never ended up getting her nap. She did however go to bed a half hour earlier than usual. No complaints here!
Once we get our pictures developed of her first night in her bed I'll be sure to post them. They're pretty stinkin' sweet. We are going to get her toddler bedding this week, that should be pretty exciting! Keep us in your prayers as we continue our transitional period from "baby" to "big girl". Potty training should be interesting!! lol -Much love